Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 11: Trees glorious trees

Anyone who knows and/or loves Richard, knows that he loves trees, especially if they are big ones – certainly my girls and I have visited so many giant trees, so many ‘biggest trees in the world’ over the years, in many different countries and on numerous continents, that we can be forgiven for being a bit skeptical that there are that many ‘biggests!’   Anyway, you can now understand why the Valley of Giants was a veritable lolly shop for Richard today – and the cherry on the top (so to speak) was the aerial boardwalk!  Pardon the pun, but he was as ‘close to heaven as he is likely to be’ for quite some time.  I must admit that, flora philistine that I am, even I got a bit of a tingle down the spine looking at the red and yellow giant …. Tingles – yes that is what they were called, Tingles – not a very splendiferous name for such a huge piece of wood, but there you have it.   The aerial boardwalk was truly magnificent too – certainly the highest boardwalk I have ever been on, and made more poignant by the fact that a few years ago, Richard’s Dad (now passed away) had made a special point to visit this same board walk – it was nice to walk in his footsteps.
 So from the Valley of Giants, we drove through what seemed to be endless forests – and on and on and on.  Somehow we had significantly underestimated the distance to Margaret River and only pulled in just before sundown – oh well, another learning curve I suppose – check the mileage before venturing out. 
 We have settled into a little routine when arriving at a new place – set up the van then hop on the bikes and have a quick explore – it serves a dual purpose – (1)  you can check out the lie of the land to see whether there is a book shop, nice restaurant, coffee shop for the morning and of course the information place; and (2), it is a good opportunity to stretch the old legs (especially if you have driven ALL DAY LONG!)  Then it is usually back to the caravan park and van for showers, dinner, blog, reading, emails and some TV (which my techno-hero Rich, has working on the laptop) if there is any time left.  Early in the morning I get up and study for an hour or so while Rich rolls around in bed trying to get up (as it gets light note!), and then we head off for a walk, coffee and reconnaissance to the information place so we can form a plan of action for the day.  We have settled into specific jobs for the pack up which is pretty quick really – we basically fit into the whole stereo-typical role model of the lady doing the inside jobs and the gent doing the outside ones.  Not much of a feminist am I – but it really is a survival strategy.  I have been known to load the horse into the float that I ‘think I have hitched up’ only to drive off without it – (don’t laugh Cassie!) and I can’t imagine Rich would be too happy with that situation and the van!!  
 Set up is now a bit easier since we have ironed out some of the initial wrinkles.  We have learnt, usually hard way and with much advice from resident grey nomads, the following important points:
 Make sure you orient the van appropriately so you are:
    • not opening your door into your neighbor’s lap – one gets a little tired of saying hello every time you step out the back door;
    • Not facing the back door into the prevailing wind or rain;
    • not parking the van the wrong way so the electricity cord, water pipe and sullage pipe can’t reach – we have done that once and completely set up everything else before realizing we would have to turn the van around! 
    • not parking the van so the awning hits a tree
    • not parking under a tree that is a little low.
 …. And that is just the parking … did I mention putting in plastic anything that can leak and tying down everything possible otherwise you end up with:
    • a sweet-chilli sauce coated fridge (lid came off)
    • a whole melon rolled in yogurt trundling around the van
    • red wine in the footlockers – how does one explain wine stained runners?
    • Salt and dishwashing liquid spread generously across the entire kitchen area.
 Anyway, we think the plan tomorrow is an exploration of Margaret River – there is a Gloria Jean’s here so that will be the first stop, with the possibility of a few winery visits, (mental note to self … hide the credit card from Richard and do not swallow any wine when tasting just don’t let Kim near any wine or else she will whine) check out the coast line, and visit a cousin!!  Yes you read correctly – I only have four cousins in this wonderful world – one lives in Canada, one in London, one in Inverloch, and one close to Margaret River – her name is Jenny and she is married to Christian Fletcher a landscape photographer – if you Google him you can read all about him – pity he is not part of my particular gene pool – those genes have to be a good thing! J

Oh yes … today’s loo code is:  C2508 (Come to jive or date) (I just put the code in my iPhone – no dotty ditties needed).

Oh yes yes – Rich’s rib is coming along a bit better – still very sore when I try to tickle him, and when he sneezes or coughs, but otherwise very slowly improving.  Nurofen is a wonderful thing – I have been saying that for years and I think he is finally coming around! (yeah right – only taken 2 in 4 days).

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Eckards. It all sounds absolutely gorgeous and we are green with envy. I had to laugh at the melon rolling around in yoghurt, the chili covered fridge et al .............. we've had our share of those too! Yes, we also have me do the inside jobs and Steven the outer ones. Some days on our cross Canada it felt like I didn't step outside of my 8 x 24 ft box as we were up and then having breakfast, on the road for 4 hours, stop for lunch (which I'd make and clear up) while the kids played, back in for another five hours, stop for dinner, et al. Don't miss those long driving days, but the rest sounds lovely!

Pics are gorgeous!

Kimmy, the CD arrived yesterday with pics. Wow, what a lot of gorgeous pics there are! Many thanks for sending it. Ben in particularl seems much more grown up now than he was just five months ago.

Love you guys. Take care of the rib, Rich,