Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 15: Free Camping and warmer nights

Well here we are now, two weeks into our adventure and really getting into the groove.  No doubt that Rottnest Island (did you know that Rottnest came from the word Ratnest because the original settlers thought that the quokka’s were a kind of rat – hey, I wasn’t the only one who thought they were something other than a kangarooey thing!) was a trip highlight so far – thanks Perth.  Whilst in Perth we thought of all those people we know who are from here and wondered why they had moved – it seems like SUCH a nice place!  Last night we had dinner with a friend of Rich’s called Dean Gilmour – they were at Uni together – he cooked us dinner (roast chicken with all the trappings and even made a date pudding for dessert).  It was lovely to sit down at a real dining room table and eat something off a plate that was not plastic and that I had not cooked on my little gas stove.  It was a lovely evening of reminiscing, and sharing and catching up on each other’s lives, and I got to use a nice toilet and wash my hands in a real basin with nice soap too.  I was tempted to go and lie on one of the beds to remember what it felt like to be able to walk around a bed and then jump on it – but I decided that could be viewed as somewhat wacky if I was caught – I hadn’t had dinner yet and didn’t want to risk getting chucked out before I had enjoyed a home cooked meal.

Early this morning we pulled out of Perth and spent the day driving.  I was in the back seat, re-immersing myself in psychology and sociology after a few days break, and Rich ….. well he loves driving, so he just drove! 
 We decided to bypass Geraldton (which seemed to be a nice enough place, but not worth a stop given what lies ahead) and headed on another hundred kms to a free camping spot.  I have been a little wary of free camping – I guess thoughts of that awful movie Wolf Creek eat at the edge of my mind – but when we pulled into this free camping spot, it was very cosy.  There were about fifteen rigs of various sizes – some huge (one is a large converted bus with a trailer that is the same height and about half as long again – with two large families) through to small campers and some cars (who knows where they plan to sleep).
 There was a full on ‘Aussie Beach Cricket’ game underway in the middle of the camp ground, with kids from the various family groups joining in – several dads (who were yelling instructions) and the occasional mum joined in, along with an old red heeler who chased the ball wherever it went for about fifteen minutes and then gave up and did a round of the campsite to greet all the campers instead.  Can’t imagine traveling with dogs AND kids!

There were several combis with young people in them – one with two young girls who looked very capable and in control and then one with the surfie dude and his blondie (you know the sticker that goes with that one).  Over the other side there is a young American couple who we saw in Margaret River, who don’t seem to be very happy … either that or they are high!!  (they never seem to smile, joke or laugh – just a serious look all the time – in a place like this, go figure). They just have a little car with very little else – not sure where they are sleeping tonight – they look a little worn out with it all (and so does the car). 
 Then there are several grey nomads carefully parked under trees, with their perfectly balanced vans (don’t forget the spirit level to ensure the van is level and they don’t get crushed by the partner rolling in bed), awnings, mats, chairs, tables, handy broom in case of dirt … and what is that I see …. Of course …. A wine cooler ….. the ladies busily organising dinner and the gents are fussing over their vans and cars and swapping stories with each other on fuel consumption and engine power and the merits of an onboard toilet! (nice idea but who gets to clean it out).  Everyone is outside in the now fading light enjoying what is (finally … it took us until after Perth to find) a WARM evening and watched the cricket game. I commented to Rich that we must be completely relaxed to so enjoy a family game of cricket, no one whom we know, but such entertainment all in a dusty campsite that is populated by a few scraggly trees, red dirt, a lone solar panel light and very smelly toilets!  J (tip – don’t free camp downwind of the toilets).

The capable 2 girls have cooked and consumed their dinner and are now sitting down with headlamps to read.  Most of the grey nomads have disappeared inside their fancy vans for dinner.  The American couple sat down at a concrete bench and table to eat their cold dinner (I guess there isn’t much room in their little car for too much stuff), the surfie dude is trying to work out how to set up his chairs and table (while his blondie checks her hair and makeup).  A family over the way is busy bbq’ing their dinner on a camp fire and ….. oh, the American’s have made fire  … whew …. They look a little happier now that they have something to sit around!   Maybe I should offer them some marshmallows – perhaps that will bring a smile to their faces …. Rich pulled out his guitar for the first time on this trip ….. I think he must finally be relaxing!   Oh no!  The American’s fire died …. Lucky us that we have a cozy little van to retire to with water on tap, electric lights and gas stove and bacon and mushroom risotto for dinner!  How blessed are we!?
 We are really starting to feel that the ‘round Australia’ is underway. The southern drive was truly beautiful, but we were always dodging the weather and it was cold. By the time we had driven 5 hours north of Perth the temperature at 4 pm was still 27 degrees. Tomorrow we head for Coral bay and Ningaloo reef (only 500 km away), the first of the coral reefs off the West coast. Looking forward to getting the diving and snorkeling gear out as the reefs come right into the shore.

Follow our travels on Google Maps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You really do write sooo well mother. :) This one was really very poetic - I could see myself reading it in a novel, and had a goofy smile on my face at the end. :)